Thursday, August 28, 2014

Another school year

Another school year has begun. The feeling of fall and the excitement of new learning invite you to reflect on the year past. Although little man will continue at the same "school" and is still too young for official preschool he is moving into a different classroom. And it is just that...a classroom. There are more learning stations, less toys; short bathroom stalls, not changing stations; more structure and a more detailed curriculum. 

This summer with my two year old was full of little battles as he longed to gain independence but filled with many more smiles and laughter. It was the summer of...
Learning to climb
At the beginning of the summer he was hesitant to be able to pull himself up, would ask for help quicker and was shy of heights to step down on his own. Now I can't keep him off of anything he feels has climbing potential. He amazes me with his strength and problem solving to figure out how to accomplish his monkey like activity. At the park he officially mastered climbing the chain ladder, the rock climbing wall, going up the slide, and going up the slide with one hand while the other pushes his truck. 
Learning to jump
All summer he tried and for the longest time his upper body would act like it was jumping, arms swaying and waist bending but only one foot would rise from the ground. Then one day they both had air under them. He would jump into puddles he would find or on a leave he'd see. Then it expanded to jumping down from most every step. He jumps from various heights he has climbed to, sometimes making me nervous, and lands with excited confidence.
The sand has been a summer constant. We can not go to the park without going in it. He digs, buries toys or my feet (we lost one toy for 2 full days buried in the sand), or he moves his trucks around in it. We always have to have our sand toys and he brings them out with such pride and excitement. 
Beginning to truly learn to share
It has been the sand toys that have truly helped J start learning to share this summer. They are like a magnet to kids and Jackson started to embrace it. When other kids use his toys that means he has someone besides mom to play with. He will light up when other kids are in the sand box, get his toys from under the stroller and take them over, dump them out saying "here you go everybody!" He once in a while got upset but overall we would trade sand tools or I would help him join in the other kids on the same project. Most kids were very nice and as much as I hated when we ran into a kid that wasn't I knew deep down that this was a hard lesson Jackson needed to learn too. I only hope he stays sweet but holds his own, continues to share but values his own happiness. 
Our at home activity was legos. The kid can be so patient! He would get frustrated when he struggled to make them fit or the balance was off and they would fall, but most always we could get him to try again or at least see that if he did it could have worked. He has gotten so much better at understanding how to prevent towers from falling and to manipulate the little lego men to work. I could watch him all day when he is focused on a design, quietly going through trial and error to perfect it. 
I can do it myself!
This statement says it all. He wanted to do things on his own (often on his own schedule too). He often wanted to help whatever we were doing too. 

The summer was also full of a growing little girl. Although this school year will start with her still inside me, it will end with a giggly, crawling, beauty that I can not wait to meet. 

My little man, I love watching you grow and this summer has been amazing. You fill my heart with such happiness. I hope you learn great things this year. I wish I could be there for them all, teach it all to you myself. Continue to surprise me, keep listening and observing the world around you. Question why and don't be frustrated as you grown into a handsome three year old. I love you so much.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Little Moments, Big Memories

Little moments that quickly go but never wish to be forgotten:

On August 6th, Matt went through Jacksons bedtime routine with him. Usually he will kiss Jackson good night and leave while I stay and read to J and lay by his bed for a minute. Well the routine tonight was the same except I kissed J goodnight and said dad was going to read to him. He was fine at first but then Matt left the room maybe a little earlier then I would...J started crying. It quickly turned into a full blown meltdown. Soon, between breathes and cries he was desperately saying "I love you Mommy...Mommy, I love you!" It didn't take long for my heart to brake...I went in his room to say good night again. 

On August 8th, we were in the car leaving the zoo. Jackson yawned big from his car seat and proceeded to say "I'm tired, I was yawning."

Jackson has two giraffes that he routinely sleeps with. One is well worn, having had it since birth, the other I bought much later as a back up but the smart kid noticed the difference in its fresher and softer fabric and doesn't like it as much. Well one day he went into his room and was looking for his second giraffe. I saw it in baby girls crib. I pointed, "Here it is J." He replied right away, "Oh yeah, I have it to baby sister...I have a giraffe and she has a giraffe too!" It has remained there ever since. 

On a Saturday a week ago Jackson was sitting on his big boy bed talking to me. He was asking "Who come over tomorrow?" Like he usually does. Then he told me that Baby Sister was going to be here tomorrow. 

Recently when we are riding in the backseat of the car Jackson had wanted to be part of our conversations up front. After quietly listening to us talk a bit he curiously chimes in, "what you guys talking about?" Or "what you talking to?"

Whether you are holding Jackson down for a diaper or picking him up when he wants to get down he will try hard to ask you to not by saying "Let go to me!"  We correct him but it always makes me smile when he still says it. 

On August 20, I was about to say good bye to Jackson before I left for work. He right away goes "Mom, I love you all the time." A moment later he follows it up with "when you come home I'll be real happy!" Talk about making it hard to leave!

This morning I was dropping Jackson off for his second day of school. I asked him for a big hug before I left. I let go to begin to leave and he said "I give you one more hug Mommy." Then when we let go he said "I won't be crying" just as his lip quivered and I can see sadness come over his face. He cried day one but Jackson your a strong boy, you did great!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Its A Boy Thing

Jackson is one of very few boys born among a lot of girls around a similar time as our friends.
As they all continue to grow its amazing to watch their unique personalities are more and more identifiable. This summer some stereotypical differences between boy and girl were also very obvious.

I had recently read an article on about the 10 Things I wish I'd Known about Raising a Boy. I couldn't help but notice how true they are and how apparent they have become this summer.

His fascination with trucks and construction equipment is pure and refreshing. When I learned we were having a boy I never imagined I would know, and be able to spot, so many types of trucks and diggers. From the mail truck and trash truck to a crane and a flatbed truck, I will never be able to look at one again without thinking of Jackson and immediately seeing his two year old, wide-eyed, smiling face pointing his finger eagerly at it. 
He doesn't just love the real-life trucks, Jackson is also obsessed with toy cars, trucks, planes. He has rotated through several toy vehicles that have made their way to the park, or wherever we are going. On one play date this summer with two boys and two girls a trash truck came by. The two boys went nuts with excitement. The girls could care less. There is definitely some magic in those loud, moving machines. 

Jackson is always on the move, from one activity to the next or just wanting to run around. From as soon as he feels awake in the morning till I finally have him wrangled up to read a story in bed, his high energy brings out a goofy, rough housing little man. He is repetitive in many of his actions, makes up silly phrases that he says with enthusiasm randomly (often accompanied by hand gestures), and often gets so absorbed in whatever his little mind is scheming that it is a huge undertaking to focus him to put shoes on/take off, eat a meal, put on underwear after going potty, stand still to put a shirt on! He has learned to be gentle around me at home, but LOVE when Matt is home to be rough with. They have invented a game called "Sticky Hug" by Jackson, aka be tickled and hide under pillows on couch. He "slides" down Matt and plays a much rougher hide and seek. 

Holding up a worm in the garden
I have become an expert stain remover. Except for the permanent marker that found its way to one shirt, I have successfully removed loads of dirt, a variety of foods, grass, sand, and I don't even want to know what else from many clothes this summer. Overall he doesn't mind when he is messy. Adults should take a lesson from toddlers, they don't mind what they look like and just keep on doing what makes them happy.

It is number 10 from the article that hits home the most. Jackson's ability to show empathy always surprises me, and melts me. He asks how I am feeling, gives me hugs just because, and I catch him watching me for no apparent reason and then smile and say hi when I notice him. His little hand pats my back when I hold him tight and he says I love you randomly, but it always seems to be when I feel a little stressed or over tired, making me realize again how truly blessed I am to be raising this amazing little boy. 

Monday, August 11, 2014

The Last of Summer Adventures

As summer 2014 comes to an end I thought I would recap some of our last adventures. We did most everything on our summer list. Flying a kite and two other activities have to wait, maybe till next summer, but we definitely did more than two fun things in place of them.

Spending some time in the garden
Blueberry picking
Jackson was (is) still learning colors when we went blueberry picking. Since our tomato incident we were real cautious to talk about colors of blueberries that were ok to pick. Jackson caught on much better and would look through the plant and tell you if he saw any blue ones to pick or red ones that were not ready yet. 

The corn by the blueberry plants was already huge! 
We went to North Avenue beach with one of my friends. Since it was a bit cold I never put Jackson in his swimsuit, but he didn't care. He went in and out of the beginning of the water and had a lot of fun playing in the sand.
North Avenue Beach
We met some friends at the county fair by us. The kids had a BLAST!
County Fair fun with tractors and live stock
County Fair food and hugs
Jackson enjoyed some corn on the cob and a his first corn dog. The next day he was excited to tell anyone who asked about the fair what he ate. He knew it wasn't a hot dog and would try to remember. When you would remind him he'd smile and repeat the name also telling you he dipped it (in mustard). 
County Fair rides
The best part of the fair was watching, and hearing the laughter, as the kids rode the rides. It was wristband night so they could ride as many times as they wanted for cheap. They were so excited to pick out which car or plane to ride and were just overflowing with smiles as they went in circles. They would giggle and wave to you yelling hi and spinning their head as they passed. On the last ride the carnival worker started "scaring" them as they passed, making silly faces and a funny noise. The kids CRACKED UP and, the best part, turned toward each other as the motorcycles were spinning away, and laughed loudly looking at each other. They were on cloud 9, and so where us parents watching with a smile from behind the gate.

On our most recent trip to the zoo Jackson was less interested in the animals than usual and much more interested in climbing, running, and exploring. He would see some rocks or a ledge while in the stroller and ask to go climb and then for some animals he just wanted to stay where he was. He had been asking to see tigers and lions so he did get a little excited for those but the fossil area that he got to explore by the wolves was a bigger hit. He pretended to teach us from all the information boards, saying stuff about a "moo cow" for each one. 

For the second zoo trip in a row now we got J a lemon chill. His focus and patience to eat this thing is unbelievable. Each spoon scrape on the frozen treat would hardly get him anything, yet he slowly, and very quietly, kept at it. When I would ask for a turn he'd politely let me, waiting till I handed it back. Once I walked away with it for a moment and he just stared me down, now getting impatient for its return.

Summer 2014, you have been fun. Can't wait to see what this fall has in store. 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Ring Bearer

My sister-in-law Megan married the love of her life Joey a few weeks ago. My husband and I were in the bridal party and little man Jackson was honored to be the ring bearer. 

He had a special job to do at the ceremony, bring Joey a note and he had a good understanding of what he was suppose to do. At rehearsal he was running all over the place, up and down the isle until the formal practice and he backed down a little. We kept talking to him about it though and this is what he would tell you for his role..."Walk up the aisle and bring Joey a note. No crying."

He was infatuated with Megan that weekend. Running laps at rehearsal dinner to find her and then crying uncontrollably when he couldn't go by her during dinner. When he saw her in her dress the next day he was wide eyed speechless! Even a little scared to give her a hug, it was the most adorable reaction!

At the ceremony Jackson waited patiently with the bridesmaids and bride for the ceremony to begin. He was psyched about his note, telling everyone what it said, "I love you Joey, from Megan."

When the ceremony kicked off Jackson started off so well down the aisle when it was his turn. He made it almost half way walking in front of Matt and I holding the note out firm in front of him. Then fear was triggered ( I think there were lots of cameras and more eyes on him now). He turned around quick with big eyes to find me and a look of sheer terror, he realized he was scared. With panic in his eyes and his arms beginning to outstretch for us to pick him up Matt and I each quickly grabbed a hand and walked as a family of three up the rest of the aisle. We stopped at the last row and Jackson finished the last few steps on his own, successfully delivering Joey his note. 

His purple tie was too long for him, so we would tuck it in his pants. It of course never stayed so Matt was constantly tucking it back in. 

Family Selfie
After the wedding ceremony I drove Jackson to my parent house to try and get him to nap. When we were leaving the church J asked where Megan was. I told him she was going with the wedding party. Jackson replied, "I want to go to Megan's party!"

Our first dance :)
At the reception Jackson sat at the head table by us, having fun with stickers and crayons until his chicken fingers & fries came. He raced toy cars with another kid there and then once he discovered the dance floor, thats where he stayed. Actual dancing was minimal, but he loved running in circles, falling down and going up and down the bump at the edge of the dance floor. Soon he discovered the flashing lights being displayed on the ground. He would bear crawl on all fours to try and catch each bright dot that flashed by him.

The wedding was wonderful! It was fun to see Jackson all dressed up, looking five years older than he is. He bounced all over the place and loved seeing all the people. Thank you Megan & Joey, we wish you all the best!