Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Life as we know it

I have been spending a lot of time lately thinking about routines. How is life going to change when baby girl arrives? Our routines since Jackson was about 16 months have not changed significantly. Ive realized though that its hard to remember our routine prior to that, one of never really being in a routine (just tired and trying to get by), yet alone our routine prior to Jackson.
I am pretty in love with our life right now. From mommy being yelled in the morning to "I'm not tired" being said in repeat at night, I wouldn't trade it for the world. I know its only going to get sweeter, but I don't want to forget this.
During the spring of the school year: I would wake up by (or at on sleepy mornings) five, stumble downstairs for juice and something small to eat. I'd spend the next 45-50 minutes getting ready while occasionally folding laundry, emptying the dishwasher, and packing bags. At 6:00 I am letting the dog out then filling up Jackson's milk cup. I often grab a granola bar or some fruit, if time make a waffle and throw it into a bowl to take up to J. Wake up time always went smoother when he had something to start eating, having his milk was an absolute must though. J and I tried our best to be out the door by 6:18 (not 6:20 and 6:15 almost never happened). Some days we would make a coffee shop run while he finished his breakfast in the back seat. I would drop him off at his school, often letting him lead me in and "show" me to his room. Then I'd be off to work. On the mornings that my dad came to watch J the routine would be the same, except I rarely got J out of bed. If he was up, it was not much before my dad came and just enough time to say good morning and get his milk. These mornings I would be at school by 6:30 which was always helpful.
Now, during the summer: I wake up by 6:30 (who am I kidding, lately its been 6). For a while J was also waking up around 6 and we would head almost straight to the coffee shop together. I get some things done around the house and get myself changed/showered until I hear "Mom, Mommy....Mommy" from a little voice in his room. I don't rush in there right away, instead finish what I am doing (within reason), get his milk cup ready, and if we have to run out the door soon I also get toast or an Eggo ready. When I go in his room he is always so happy, "Hi Mommy" with a smile. Then he usually says "What you got?" referring to whether I brought him chocolate milk or regular and if/what food. We get him dressed while he asks me "who come over today?" and I talk to him about the plan of the day. On days we are not in a hurry to go any where we sometimes watch Cailou, Bob the Builder, Toy Story, or Cars.
This routine has become less structured during the summer. During the school year it was almost always bed time by 8pm at the latest. Now we average 8:15-8:30. He has become quite the procrastinator..."I'm hungry," "I have to go to the bathroom" (even though he's not potty trained yet), "I need some wa-wa," "one more book," "I have to show you something." 
We try to do bath realatively close to bed time so that after bath & pjs its books and bed. During bath time I usually multitask a bit and get my own face washed and teeth brushed at the sink while he spashes and plays for a bit. We then sit cozily together in his chair with his giraffe in hand and read books. Then, after a protest, I set him down in bed. I lay next to him for a bit and we talk about his day. For a little while at the beginning of the summer he would cry and cry when I did leave. Now, he says (in question form) "I go sleep?" and repeats back to me "I love you mommy" as I leave. 
Dinner time favorites:
We have a few go-to meals for dinner, especially when it's just me and J:
Annie's Mac & Cheese with added frozen peas or broccoli
Grilled ham & cheese sandwhich
Chicken Quesadilla
Chicken fingers (with both bbq sauce & ketchup to dip)
Then every meal has fruit to go with it, sometimes cucumber & ranch or applesauce.
These with a rotation of whatever Matt and I are eating have worked well.
He almost always has to "help" me take the dog out, saying "wait for me" if I stand there taking her out without him.
He will take his shoes off on his own, but its usually a bit of a fight to get him to stop what hes doing to put them on.
When in his high chair, it has to be pushed all the way up to the counter or table.
He steals his own snacks that he wants from the pantry, recently having learned to open the graham cracker container.


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