Baby Food
Lunch for work
Coffee ready
Lemons sliced
Toddler cup of milk filled
Morning bottle upstairs
Backpack by shoes
Day care bag by keys
Outfit for J
Outfit for Em
Outfit for me (on a good day)
Alarm on
And the alarm is going off way too soon. I hit snooze at least once. If I snooze more though its almost a guarantee that the kids will wake earlier then they should and something goes astray causing me to be later than normal.
Cries begin around 5:30. I run in the room quick to grab one before the other gets woken up. On a good day they sleep till I have to snuggle Em awake at 5:45 and J by 6:00. It is such a gentle balance, too early means less sleep and too much time for distractions that result in more reasons to make us late. To little time and we are just late...really late.
I head into their room with a smile and lots of patience. The rush is on.
Emmy gets her bottle first (on the good days). She serenades me with baby talk between drinks while I finish getting ready. Then we get J.
Fingers crossed its not a day that I have to battle him to go potty (how do you not have to go when you wake up? Oh that's right, his bed was soaking wet from going while sleeping)
I change Em (or bed sheets) while he goes potty. I bounce back and forth between her and him until they are both ready. J lets the dog out and we head downstairs.
I forgot something, I head back up.
J picks out a Nutragrain bar and tries to put his shoes on while I take the dog out. The dog takes forever, enough time for J to ask about three times for fruit snacks and Em to cry.
I get back to J and we switch his shoes to the other feet. Em in her carseat now....oh but without a sock. I retreat my steps in search of said sock. Time to fix my lemon water, put my lunch in my bag...time check...ok coffee.
Out the door by 6:25 was a great day.
This post is brought to you by THE LAST DAY OF THE SCHOOL YEAR! Good bye to this type of chaotic morning!
Baby Food
Lunch for work
Coffee ready
Lemons sliced
Toddler cup of milk filled
Morning bottle upstairs
Backpack by shoes
Day care bag by keys
Outfit for J
Outfit for Em
Outfit for me (on a good day)
Alarm on
And the alarm is going off way too soon. I hit snooze at least once. If I snooze more though its almost a guarantee that the kids will wake earlier then they should and something goes astray causing me to be later than normal.
Cries begin around 5:30. I run in the room quick to grab one before the other gets woken up. On a good day they sleep till I have to snuggle Em awake at 5:45 and J by 6:00. It is such a gentle balance, too early means less sleep and too much time for distractions that result in more reasons to make us late. To little time and we are just late...really late.
I head into their room with a smile and lots of patience. The rush is on.
Emmy gets her bottle first (on the good days). She serenades me with baby talk between drinks while I finish getting ready. Then we get J.
Fingers crossed its not a day that I have to battle him to go potty (how do you not have to go when you wake up? Oh that's right, his bed was soaking wet from going while sleeping)
I change Em (or bed sheets) while he goes potty. I bounce back and forth between her and him until they are both ready. J lets the dog out and we head downstairs.
I forgot something, I head back up.
J picks out a Nutragrain bar and tries to put his shoes on while I take the dog out. The dog takes forever, enough time for J to ask about three times for fruit snacks and Em to cry.
I get back to J and we switch his shoes to the other feet. Em in her carseat now....oh but without a sock. I retreat my steps in search of said sock. Time to fix my lemon water, put my lunch in my bag...time check...ok coffee.
Out the door by 6:25 was a great day.
This post is brought to you by THE LAST DAY OF THE SCHOOL YEAR! Good bye to this type of chaotic morning!