Friday, May 22, 2015

Pirate Picnic

Finally getting around to posting this adorable event. After Jackson's first birthday I had said I would not have a kids party until he asked for one. Well, turning three, he asked.

Pirates, sword fights and Jake and Neverland have been favorites of Jackson's for more than the last six months. He also is a huge fan of the park and showing people his home. Trying to keep it simple I thought a Pirate Picnic would be perfect for him.

Needless to say, Jackson was SUPER excited that all his friends were coming over, and even more excited that he was going to get to show them "his" park.

Jackson helped me pack the lunches the day before; Pirates Booty, Goldfish crackers, alligator gummies and a juice box. Then the morning of I made PB&J sandwiches cut out in pirate shapes.

For an activity the kids went on a Treasure Hunt at the park. I (aka Captain Hook) made and left a treasure map to lead the kids to buried treasure!
These two and three year olds were at first confused then excited, puzzled and finally ecstatic about this hunt! We had to guide them a bit on reading the map. We pointed out the X was by trees, so they immediately tried to run to the tall skinny trees right next to them. With slightly more guidance they found another set of pine trees and the rest they did on their own.  
The treasure was a box marked well with an x that my husband hid under the tree. It was full of little foam pirate swords, pirate stickers, glow bracelets and ring pops. 
 Angelina spotted it first, alerting her friends, then Jackson helped "dig" it out.
The swords provided great park battles and the ring pops were great bribery to go home. 

Jackson truly had a great time! He was all smiles, said it was the best birthday ever, and ate way too much gummy alligators and skull and cross bones cookies.

This party was not hard to put together, but even if it was, the excitement in his eyes, his proud demeanor to show everything to his friends, and share his love for sword fights with others was more than worth it.


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