Saturday, October 24, 2015

He is Learning Math

A few weeks ago on our way home from school I asked Jackson about his day. 

"A O is like a zero and zero means none."

Whoa J. The idea of nothing associated with a number out of no where. And its connection to something familiar like the letter O.

He has understood when nothing and can identify if there is one, two or three objects very quickly. But for him to numerically represent nothing, I was impressed. 

Monday, October 19, 2015

Cookies or Sprinkles

 Jackson likes sprinkles. He likes them on his donuts, on his ice cream and...on his cookies. 

A Simple Trip

We took part of Columbus Day to go to the local Children's Museum. Only about one month earlier I had taken J & Em to this same museum. This time, I had much different results. 

Jackson this time gravitated to a pyramid block stacking activity. After a little bit of problem solving/stalking the older kids around him, he figured out how the blocks were to be stacked to reach the highest point. He gathered, stacked, watched, stacked, took away, watch and stacked. With a little prompting on the need to start another diagonal row, he eventually sped up when noticing he was near the top. 
He was so proud when he finished it...for about 30 seconds. Then he crashed it down into the bins for the next kid. There was that slight moment though where I sensed his notice of accomplishment, his recognition of mastering something new. 
We continued on to air tunnels and opportunity for being loud. 
It was Emerson that really shocked me on our trip. Last time she was very reserved, almost just turned off by the loud noises. This time she was eager to be released from my arms. 
The first time we were there she was not quite walking completely on her own. This time she took it upon her self to travel around tables and to blocks that she wanted to see. 
One spot in particular caught her attention though. She loved this neon backlight round table with iridescent magnetic 2D shapes. The shapes would build if you set the magnets correctly. Em though, she just liked to lay and lift, lay and lift. She was completely mesmerized for the longest time. It was wonderful to see her focused on her "task" while still noticing activity around her.

This spontaneous trip to the museum turned out to be one of my recent high lights. Their imagination, inquisition, and overall interest in life is such a blessing.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

He Writes

Grandma helped Jackson write a card today. After it was decorated, she helped write a message and asked him to sign it. 

They went letter for letter of her saying it them him taking time to write it out. He did all the writing himself. 

His excitement to give me the card was all I needed but then I opened it up and could actually visualize his name on it! 

Sure it needs some work, but the start of him learning to read or write is exciting!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Messy Face

It's a fact. 
Messy hands are drawn to clean hair. 

It does not matter what she is eating, her hands find their way to her hair. 
Sometimes it is just the hair above her ear. Swiping at her ear with anxious energy as she debates a next bite, melt down or to ask for more. Other times it is the tired, frustrated double hands behind the head that leave everything covered the same as her high chair. 

It does not matter if she is eating something dry or wet, crunchy or soft. I pick goldfish pieces out and dunk her partial head under the sink routinely after meals. We will snuggle later only for her hair to crunch when I touch it. 

She eats well most of the time, but all of the time it ends up in her hair. 

Saturday, October 10, 2015

This Little Lady

She loves shoes and hates to have her face wiped.
She will snuggle with a doll and then go race a car.
She is firm with what she wants and fiercely shakes her head no when you try to negotiate. 

She wears anything that resemble a purse. 
She walks around pushing it up on her arm, angry at anyone that tries to take it.
 She is obsessed with cheese. 
So much so that even the slightest glimpse of the bag has her screaming for it.
She loves chips.
As soon as she notices you eating a chip she stares you down and whines until she has one too.
Emmer, you are stubborn and your feistiness makes me smile.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Superhero In Training

Tonight we went on a walk after dinner. In typical fashion Jackson wanted to run for most of the way. Almost immediately after getting out of the stroller he asked "Let's play pirates and I chase you!"

He continued to run for the duration of the walk, switching superheroes along the way. He was a pirate, ninja turtles, Darth Vader, a policeman and Batman.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

It's My Party & I'll Cry If I Want To

Emerson had a wonderful first birthday! It was not without tears however. Who knew how much trauma a cake could cause?!?
What is that coming?

Monday, October 5, 2015

So Big & Superman

Her little arms go up.

Her big eyes look at you.

Watching a child throw their hand up in the air when you ask them how big is cute simply to watch. When you experience your little do it after teaching her, you just melt. 

Sunday, October 4, 2015

What Does a Space Ranger Do?



"Yeah, J?"


"What does a Space Ranger do?"

This is a routine question, one he asks often. He knows the response. So much so that if it would be different in any word he calls me out immediately. 

He first asked it with curious imagination. Now, he asks and I sense he thinks there may be more to the answer. But perhaps the predictable response lets him feel comfort and that is enough. 

He always listens quietly. I always respond calmly.

He rarely asks more. But he has always asked again.

Friday, October 2, 2015


She took her first steps about two weeks after turning one. It was only one step at a time, holding on to support. 
Soon she was taking one step away before falling back. Still unsure she would crawl to where she wanted to go. 
One morning though I turned Mickey Club House on for her and J. She was all excited so I set her on the ground. With speed and confidence she took off about four steps toward the TV.
Now, this little peanut will try to walk again before considering crawling. 
Her stiff legs swinging out for each step are starting to soften with a bend in the knee. 
Her proud smile and stubborn determination make your heart happy as you watch her take steps. Her growing confidence and curiosity make me sad as a big milestone is reached. 

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Life Lately - A Write31Days Challenge

I am so happy to be joining the Write31Days challenge again this year. 

Life lately has had me writing here less. 

Life lately has involved wobbly baby steps.

Life lately has had me writing for work more.

Life lately includes many, many super heroes.

Life lately includes tiny waves and big smiles.

Life lately has been trying to keep track of a growing Christmas list from Santa.

Life lately involved three new pairs of high heel shoes.

Life lately is moving too fast.

I hope to slow it down a little by writing more.


He is Learning Math