Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Superhero In Training

Tonight we went on a walk after dinner. In typical fashion Jackson wanted to run for most of the way. Almost immediately after getting out of the stroller he asked "Let's play pirates and I chase you!"

He continued to run for the duration of the walk, switching superheroes along the way. He was a pirate, ninja turtles, Darth Vader, a policeman and Batman.

He is very animated and high in energy. He yells and roars and makes angry faces. Then you chase him and his blue eyes brighten, his smile widens, and his infectious laugh cuts through any negative thought you could possibly be thinking.

His overall enthusiasm for this is expanding with each new character he learns. He gets so very excited to see anything to do with superheroes and Star Wars. When he is playing quietly by him self you can hear him trying to defend away a villain or save a princess, capture someone or rescue someone.
His imagination is a thrill to watch in action and I hope it continues to evolve. More importantly though I hope to teach him to identify the courage, perseverance, and determination that each of these heroes have in his own life.


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