Sunday, November 30, 2014

Thanksgiving Weekend

Thanksgiving weekend was busy with family and fun. It was quite the Christmas kickoff too!

To be sure we saw Santa this year we went the day before Thanksgiving. Jackson was beyond excited to see him! If it wasn't for the snow globe and lots of fake snow to run around in before Santa it would have been hard to make him wait. My wonderful parents helped make this happen by my dad waiting in line while I drove in with the kiddos. Many many other people had this same idea cause the line was outrageous and I would have otherwise had one sad two year old.
Leading up to see Santa we kept asking Jackson what he was going to ask him to bring him on Christmas. Without hesitation each time Jackson said "Ninja Turtle socks." Well, sure enough that is exactly what he told Santa!When he was finally up with Santa, Santa asked him if he wanted some cars or trucks but nope, just some Ninja Turtle socks that I had to repeat for confused Santa to hear.

Thanksgiving was wonderful, spent with my family at my Aunt's house. Lots of delicious food and way too many turkey cookies for Jackson. We sat at a table with some of my cousins. It was so weird to be at the "kid table" with them with two kids of my own this year. Jackson had a blast playing a matching game with my cousin Helen and tried hard to help us out with a puzzle.

Friday we started a new version of an old tradition. Instead of cutting down a Christmas tree we decorated my parents with them. Jackson was all into it! He loved taking the ornaments out of the boxes and putting them up, often asking to put them waaaaaay up.

Before we even started decorating the tree though Jackson very seriously asked Grandma where her star was for the tree. He said that the tree needed a star so that Santa could find it. He repeated this many times with concern that there was no star. He was very worried that Santa would not know where to go without it, so my mom found a way to make the star happen.

Jackson helped draw it out, decorate it and even cut it. He was so proud when it went up on the tree! My mom says its the best star she has ever had on her tree.

Little Em was not in the best of moods and slept/cried through most of her first decorating experience.

Saturday kicked off with Gingerbread Construction Company! It was a fun park district event for Jackson and me. Although this task was super fun and I absolutely loved being on a date with my little man, the house was a little more challenging and sticky than I anticipated.
Jackson got into decorating our house a little bit, adding a garden to the roof. But he was most excited about eating everything! "I eat this?...Mom, I eat it?...What else can I eat?....I eat it now?....I eat this, yes or no?...I eat another one?...Just one more?
Everytime I turned around he had another piece of candy ready to eat or already in his mouth. He would sort them out, one for the house and these to eat. 

In the evening we went to my in-laws for a Thanksgiving celebration with them (and to watch the Iron bowl). Jackson was busy with making (eating) marshmallow snowmen with Aunt Megan and a gingerbread house with Nana Trish. Still concerned a lot with what candy he could eat he did make a cute house with candy lights.
He partied hard with Aunt Megan, lots and lots of building various "flyers" out of blocks and staying up way past his bed time.

We are so sad its Sunday and the weekend is over. I am making the most of this long, much needed nap from my kiddos and have a little more preparation to do for a certain Elf that arrives tomorrow!

Friday, November 28, 2014

As said by J

It's thirty o'clock! Whenever "reading" the time off his compass or asking something about the time he will always state it. He's usually serious, sometimes has a tone of panic and often follows up with something about 8 minutes. 

In order for this story to make sense I have to take you back to October when while playing in leaves with Jackson my wedding band went flying off my finger and was temporarily lost. After a mini search party combed through the leaves for a while my brother-in-law Joey found it. Jackson was there helping and knew how upset mom was and then how happy mom was. Well, Jackson was out on an adventure with Grandpa, Great Grandma and Em. Great Grandma noticed her ring was not on her finger but she didn't know when it went missing. They searched all through the car and possible places. Jackson was very concerned saying "I'm so sorry you lost your ring."  After searching came up empty Jackson suggested "we need Uncle Joey, he will find it."

On Thanksgiving Jackson was talking with my dad and Matt when he all of a sudden had to go to the bathroom.  "I gotta go potty!" They looked toward the bathroom but someone was in there so my dad asked him, "can you hold it?" Jackson paused, wide eyed and a little puzzled, suddenly grabbed his crotch. 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Emerson Marie - 3 Months

Emerson Marie you are growing way too quickly. This past month you really have grown too! Jumping up big in weight gains over the past two weeks finally has you in size one diapers! 

You smile more and more, coo all the time (sometimes I swear you say "hi" right back to me), and I am so close to cracking the full belly laugh code with you. 

You absolutely love this blond Lamaze princess doll that my mother-in-law bought for you. It has been the center of your focus most all play times. You have been intentionally grabbing at the hanging toys and actually do grab on.

You have continued to sleep through the night, which your working mom thanks you for. The doctor recommended we keep you in the incline bassinet till your next appointment. We will see if your sleep changes when we switch you to lay flat. 
Your expressions melt me. You seriously love to be directly talked too and talk right back. 

You love your big brother and he loves you too! Jackson has helped to give you two nicknames, Emmer and Emmy. Both seem to be sticking right now. He absolutely adores you. Recently, you were crying and crying while at my parents house. They told me that Jackson said "I know what she wants!" and ran away to the family room coming back with a baby toy ferris wheel that sticks to the table. You immediately stopped crying and focused in on it. When Jackson talks you turn to find him and listen. He definitely moves to fast for you right now, but you are so eager to join him!
You love to be held sitting up to see everything and that most definitely includes when J is playing and I swear you just want to too! I prop you up by him playing Legos and I smile at your excited arms moving for several minutes before your over stimulated and ready to sleep. 

Emerson Marie, you have exited your newborn phase and are so curious of the world around you. Love you little peanut!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Elf on the Shelf - 2 year old edition

The days are long but the years are short. We know we only have a few really good years of completely innocent genuine excitement for the holiday season with our kids. I want to make the most of it and am so excited to see the glisten in Jackson's eyes with all the magic.

Elf on the shelf was a first time success last year. Now that Jackson is two we can't wait to have more fun with it, not just moving the Elf around to new locations.

Full time back at work with a three month old and a toddler has its challenges, mostly that revolve around my energy level. So to be most ready to implement our Elf on the Shelf adventure I created a plan. I didn't want to be struggling to think of something at ten o'clock at night and end up just moving him around (or not and then being sad when Jackson quickly points out that the Elf didn't move, something must be wrong).

This plan is a compilation of Elf ideas that I thought would not only bring excitement out in Jackson, but were doable for my time and resources/space. I am giddy just thinking about putting this plan into action. I can't wait to bring updates as it gets underway!

Some of the ideas are common, seen on many many sites and blogs. One particular idea though that I am excited to try is the magic elf seeds. Check here for original source and explanation. I plan to do chocolate covered pretzel sticks with sprinkles instead of cookies, but I guess we will see what works out.

These ideas don't have the Elf hard to find, play on Jackson's current interests, and incorporate some yummy treats and crazy ideas to really entice Jackson's imagination. I am way to excited to make a mess of the bathroom by tee-peeing it and to tape streamers all over his door in the very early morning so when he calls for me I "can't" get in to get him up.
Some back up ideas I have that can be used to replace something that doesn't end up working out are:
-Have the Elf "cooking" in Jackson's kitchen
-The Elf is a pirate by making a paper sword and a ribbon bandana.
-Elf is taking a nap with Jackson's giraffe (the back up giraffe I have as he will be sleeping with his actual one ;) )
-Then honestly there are four places that I would love to put the Elf and only listed three times to just move him.

November, you truly help me realize all that I am thankful for, especially as I plan for December. I am so very eager for you to end though!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Remember Halloween?!?

Although today I was excitedly making a Santa beard advent calendar, this Halloween post has been on my mind.
Jackson was introduced to Peter Pan over the summer and then late summer he discovered Jake and Neverland. When it came time for Halloween costume ideas, this was our costume!

He was really excited about it was telling people leading up to Halloween that he was going to be Peter Pan! Jackson is always playing pretend and around September and October was always saying "You be Captain Hook" and running from the pirate. Sometimes when there was more than one more person around to play someone was always told to be Smee!

He was so excited for his costume and got into the character at times. His sword was a big hit, a foam one we found at the Dollar Spot at Target in September. My dad was so amazing to join in it too. He was watching the kids on Halloween while I was at work, so he dressed up too! He arrived bright and early as Captain Hook! Even though my dad had been telling Jackson that he would be dressing up with him, Jackson was still completely mesmerized. He was nothing but smiles as stares in the early morning of first seeing my dad (yes he was already awake before I left for work).

They had a great Halloween visiting the library. Usually very talkative and comfortable at the library, my dad said he was a little shy with everyone in costumes. 
My Aunt Marcia made Jackson tunic and hat for his costume. She did an amazing job sewing it and adding little detail. His pants were Ninja Turtle pajama bottoms that ended up working out perfectly. 
Jackson was so excited to get into the Halloween candy at my aunt's house. He tried a few before loving Kit-Kats!

Emerson was a little pumpkin, dressing up in a stylish headband and spooky shirt. My dad, Jackson and I made quite the Captain Hook, Peter Pan and .... can you guess who I was??


Saturday, November 1, 2014

Fall Fun

The cold weather has moved in with Novem-brrrr. We have had a great fall so far though and despite the red Starbucks cups and the Santa and reindeer on display at Target, we are looking forward to some more fall fun.

Here is a look at some fall fun since my last fall post. 
Painting rocks
Lots of art projects. From ghost footprints to a leaf wreath, fall is fun for crafts. 

Family trip to the apple orchard on one of the most busy days resulted in bagged apples, BBQ and tractors instead of apple picking. It was still a blast!

Apple stamping with Great Grandma! Oh, and he found a caterpillar!

Harvest classes at the Arboretum kept Jackson, my dad and sometimes me busy. I was fortunate enough to take my dad's place at another class about bats. Jackson made a bat cape with stamps and we had lots of fun!

Pumpkin farm with friends. I love this pic on the oversized rocker!

Little lady, football fan.

Lots of fun at the play area of a pumpkin farm. The jumping pillow was a highlight. Then Jackson picked out an amazing pumpkin all on his own. He got to wash it (twice) and bring it to the car. 

Fun with, conversation and food; oh, and a cute baby!

Leaves! "Mom, I hold your hand and we run."

Pumpkin carving! Jackson and dad rocked it!