Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Five on Friday

[1] We took Jackson to his first Major League Baseball game! He is definitely still a little young but did have a lot of fun. 
[2] Legos at the Morton Arboretum. These displays looked so amazing. The hours that were put in  for each sculpture are insane. Jackson was very impressed with them and enjoyed seeing each one. My favorite was the bird bath with cardinals. 
[3] Emerson is 11 months!!

[4] I finally got my hair done! It was soooooo over due!
[5] With not much of summer (or Emerson's first year) left, I completed and ordered a photo album. Now for that scrap book...

Emerson Marie - 11 Months

11 months is one too many close to ONE!
Emerson has completely mastered crawling (quickly too) and is now trying to stand up on everything she can. She will not take steps with you though.
 One of the best parts of watching her growth is in her interaction with Jackson. Now she tries to mimic what he is doing and playing with and shows him Legos that she picks up.
Pointing and saying "wssdat" and shaking her head are fun new things too. She also has this strong dislike for being changed and is quite stubborn in her young years.

You are growing two fast little peanut!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Five on Friday

Saturday edition.
[1] Jackson completed the Read 1,000 books program through our library! In almost exactly ten months we recorded 1,000 books that were read to him. Now I know I missed writing many down, so I wonder how long it actually took. It was a joint effort by all family that watches him and it was an awesome reflection to flip back through the pages. I can pull out his phases of a favorite book, long stretches of me working, and long stretches of me home. 

[2] Em got her first tooth! It pushed through skin last Sunday! She unfortunately got sick this week also so she has not been in the best of moods. 
[3] Lots of snuggle time with Em. Due to number three she was in my arms more often than usual. The poor girl just wasn't comfy and we got lots of quality time. 

[4] Matt and I celebrated six years of marriage! We took a casual night out and then due to rain had to change our plans from mini golf to darts at a bar, but we still had a great time. 

[5] We are officially looking to move! Operation clean house is complete and now we have the daily challenge to keep it that way. 

Monday, July 13, 2015

Six Differences Six Years Later

In honor of our six year wedding anniversary this past Saturday, I wanted to reflect on six ways our lives have changed (hint: they almost all revolve around two things)

[1] Matt and I used to pick out decently elaborate meals to cook each month. We are talking about having to buy at least one new seasoning, some other random ingredient that we would use a tablespoon of and then the rest of the jar would go unused. We would bust out the food processor and the recipe would involve several steps. Now, when looking for new recipes it is all about less. How few ingredients, and how many do I already have, and how little time will it take. A bonus recipe is one that I do not have to actually stand at the stove for.

[2] Dinner used to be the two of us sitting down. Now, its usually in shifts and often standing around the counter. Feed Em while making food, feed J and myself, Matt comes home, reheat for him and Ill eat more too.

[3] Leaving on a whim....we used to do it. Now, just this weekend we left for the afternoon and evening and we packed four bags and needed an extra 15 minutes to double check if we missed anything.

[4] Making plans. From the start time of said plans to the type of beverages consumed and the average age level, all have considerably changed. 

[5] Evening dates have been replaced with evening walks to the park or maybe just a pajama walk. Then, if I can stay awake for evening TV watching after completing daily tasks, its more about watching the monitor or finally checking social media.

[6] The way we are woken up, especially on weekends, still involves an alarm clock but it is a matter of which one will it be; the three year old one or the 10 month old one. We still set our phone alarms, it would be nice if we could hear it go off once in a while.

Well, you may have guessed the two reasons I have hinted at ;)
These two reasons made it fun to reflect on the past. Life seems so different now...but so much better.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Morning Conversation

While they were in the same room it wasn't long after one woke up before I would hear the other. Often I would hear Jackson be silly and Emerson laugh. Then Jackson would call for Mom and Emerson would make a scream too. 
When I would go pick Emerson up she would immediately wave and smile at Jackson. I would set her in his bed and despite some bickering of a stolen stuffed animal they would usually feed off each other for morning laughs and smiles. 
Now in their own rooms, their happiness  when reunited in the morning is so cute. Emerson shakes her head and wiggles her body with excitement when we go say good morning to J. Emerson loves grabbing all Jackson's animals and J loves making silly noises and faces to make her laugh. 
I want to freeze time right here. Sweet and innocent, happy in the morning, full of love. 

Friday, July 10, 2015

Five on Friday

 Five on Friday!

[1] Fourth of July weekend was family and fun! Jackson loved holding sparklers and I was so happy to get some projects completed.

[2] Emerson is officially a climber! She tries to stand up everywhere but has no idea how to let go of her hands. She is not a big fan of walking either, but getting her feet under her is a breeze.
 [3] Park time was at a high this week. We are half way to our goal!

[4] Jackson and Emerson have their own room. I am slightly sadden by the end of an era but after a crazy night of alternating who cries (after one started and woke the other FOR AN HONEST HOUR) I am good with this. Jackson was so excited to move all the upstairs toys into his room. He proudly directed us where to put them and showed off his new space. 

[5] This amazing daily planner! I bought it at Target and am completely obsessed. All of my lists, thoughts and to-dos can go in this one place, and its pretty!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Fourth of July

Fourth of July weekend was filled with parks, family time, yummy food and projects. 
 We took a family trip to the zoo on Matt's first day off from work. Monkeys are our favorite!
 Lots of time spent at parks!
It was a wonderful weekend. Jackson wore himself out and I'd have to say I was pretty darn tired too.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Five on Friday

Five on Friday on this holiday weekend!

Pointing! Emerson points and babble at everything. When you tell her what it is and talk to her about where she is pointing, she looks at you then back at the object. Her curiosity is at a high and it is so fun.

Time with friends! We had a wonderful playdate BBQ with a total of nine kiddos all three and under. There can be a lot of crying but is always a lot of fun. We also went to visit a friend's beautiful new house! Then later in the week we went to a park district farm with other friends. Jackson loves seeing his friends and I am so happy we can keep setting up time like this.

Family zoo day! On my husbands first day off we took a family trip to the zoo before we start (and hopefully finish) a lot of projects around the house.

This little man is getting so big! A fun time at the racetrack last weekend!

With the exception of a door, construction is COMPLETE! I am beyond thrilled the dust is done (not gone yet) and so happy with how it turned out. We have decided to move a kiddo in there so now the task of moving a crib and making it look somewhat tied together with the mish-mash of stuff we have to have in there starts.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Six-Nine Month Favorites

Six to nine months is a wonderful age! You start to see so much personality and a lot more interaction. It is so rewarding after taking care of this eating, sleeping, crying little human for so long. There is more play, more giggles, more free time with out a baby in your arms. Baby food and teethers, rolling around and more scheduled naps. 

Here are a few of our favorites from six to nine months:

ONE // Baby Trend Activity Walker // We purchased this for Jackson when he was about seven months old and he loved it! Emerson has now enjoyed it and it has been a life saver to take outside for a place for her to play (and not get into trouble). The giraffe toy bar detaches and the open table top is great to give snacks and place toys.

TWO // Her Joyful Studio headbands // I fell in love with this Chicago based company!

THREE // Baby Mum-Mum Rice Husks // These teething crackers dissolve wonderfully and Emerson loved them! 

FOUR // Stacking cups // Once again these cups were a strong favorite. 

FIVE // Little People // The set in the picture is one of them that Jackson has. Emerson received the Sleeping Beauty set for Easter. Which one does she always go for...Batman.