Saturday, February 15, 2014

Precious Moments in a Busy Week

Jackson loves to play with the large flashlight that I keep by my bed. He was holding it watching it shine everywhere and loving it. He pointed it up at the ceiling at first and the light would shine slightly behind him. So to see it better he would tilt his head back, in doing so his arms holding the flashlight tilted the light farther back. He would again adjust his head/back, and again the light would move....he practically fell over! The best part though was when I aimed the flashlight on the ground for him (fearful he would lean too far back, fall and the flashlight land on his head). When Jackson saw the light on the ground from the flashlight he was holding he tried to step on it. He would take a step, but the light would move he tried again, and again, and again :)
It was the most adorably innocent thing.

Morning conversation as I woke Jackson up for school;
Me: Good morning my boy
J: (groggily) hi
J: Papa?
Me: You will see Papa tomorrow. Today you get to go to school. 
J: (silent)
Me: Don't you want to go to school?
J: NO!
(By this point he is sitting up, and more awake)
Me: Well where do you want to go today?
(long pause with a focused look, his eyes looked to the side as he contemplated his answer)
J: Grandma's house! (big smile and head nod)

We had to run to Target after dinner. I told Jackson what was on our list and asked him what else he thought we needed. He said "Mick-mes," then after more thought..."Buzz."
So in Target he kept saying Mickey and looking all around. We picked up several things that kind of interested him and he held them in the basket with him. Then we got to the Valentines. Jackson needed two more Valentines for his additional classmates so I let him pick out a box. There he saw it. A Minnie Mouse with Daisy Valentine set. He was hooked. He held on to it the entire rest of the time, excitedly examining it. The other items he had up front with him he showed me that he would put them behind him in the main cart. He didn't let go of them till we were completely home and I could open them.

When I woke Jackson up for school today I was completely surprised at his new reaction.
I said good morning and he just grunted a few times, rolling over. As I got closer and rubbed his back he said something understandable, "SLEEP." He said it again, grabbing his sleeping pals and curling back up, eyes closed. He said it a third time with a NO in front and tried hard to stay in a sleeping position. I may of had to coax him awake before but this response was a complete first. I think the kid would have went back to sleep for a long time if I just walked away. He is his fathers son.


Hope you had a good Valentine's Week!