Sunday, February 8, 2015

DIY Kissing Booth

Looking for a fun prop for a Valentines photo? 

This was easy to make and turned out so cute! 

 2 wooden crates (18" long, 12" wide and 9.5" deep) 
2 basswood rods
2 basswood flat sheets
white paint
chalkboard paint
canvas hearts
red paint
6 small nails

I painted all the pieces separately and then assembled when all dry. I nailed the tall rods to the top crate and then the flat sheets to the top of the rod. I kept the crates separate for move easy and then I plan to reuse them in Emerson's room for storage. 

The top sign was a bit flimsy but it was never knocked over so it worked! The ribbon of hearts is now hanging on display in our family room. I wish I would have painted both sides of the hearts now that I am using it again.

The last thing you need are two cute toddlers and a strawberry shake!
To see more of the photos go here.

This project was fun and the photos turned out awesome! 

This post was first seen on Little Quacklings.