Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Christmas on the mind

Christmas on the mind.

I can't decide if its the Halloween merchandise that is already being swapped out with Christmas items or the advertisements on TV for Christmas layaway and sales. 

Perhaps it may also be that life as I know it (life as a mom, wife, teacher, baker, chef, laundromat operator, cleaning lady, personal shopper, dog mom, hand cleaner, boogie wipe holder, and snuggle provider) is about to change by adding one more title. Coach.

High school girls basketball starts next week. Normally, I have Christmas plans in the works by now. Nope, not this year. 

And how can I top last year?
Christmas card 2012.
First visit to see Santa.
After some stressing out, momentarily (really only 24 hours or so), I came to the realization of the reason I love last years Christmas snapshots.
They fit Jackson's personality and level of discovery. "A picture is worth a thousands words" is one of my favorite sayings. Thinking about what makes J inquisitive, alert, and smile brought many more ideas to my mind. 

Although to some, this years picture (yes in at least 5 weeks), may not be great, it will capture my fun loving, hate dirt on his hands, inquisitive, goofy, wild with a patient demeanor child.

Now, back to Halloween! :) 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Fall Fun

Thanks to Mr. Columbus, I was able to spend a fun afternoon at a farm with Jackson! 

Although Jackson wanted my mom to carry him instead of walking he still had a great time.  It amazes me how much he loves animals and notices small details. 

Yesterday was pumpkin carving night! Jackson typically does not like his hands dirty. He is always "uh-oh"-ing us when he has food on them from eating with his fingers at meal time. So of course, at first Jackson wanted NOTHING to do with the slimy inside of the pumpkin; he wrinkled his nose, put his hands behind his back and shook his head. 
We busted out a spoon though and he immediately imitated what Matt did, tapping the spoon twice on the bowl too. :)

Most precious moment of the night; Matt is carving the face out and Jackson is mixing the pumpkin guts around in the bowl when he suddenly turns to the pumpkin and excitedly says "Oh, eyes!" while pointing DIRECTLY AT THEM! New word and proper unprompted use. Nice work J!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

30 Vs. 1.5

Little Man turned 18 months! Me, I turn 30 YEARS this week. Half birthdays should always be celebrated but this may be the last for J.
He is evolving into a silly, focused, giggly, opinionated little dude that I can't believe we ever had a life without. 

My mom and dad came out this weekend before my birthday to celebrate. Jackson played with all his toys and completely hammed it up!
30yrs. VS. 1.5yrs....he challenges me, surprises me, laughs at me and "no's" at me, but everyday he makes me a better person. 

Happy 18 months J. Best of my 30 years!