Monday, April 27, 2015

Emerson Marie - 8 months

Eight months! 

Emerson, you are growing to fast! You have discovered the art of rolling all over the place. Although I don't think you yet understand what your doing, you learned how to drop toys off of your high chair or walker...just so I pick them up again. 

 You are a mommy obsessed little lady. It breaks my heart to hear you cry (and cry and cry) when I have to leave. You truly are saying "Ma ma," for when I am not around, no one hears you say it. And when I set you down, even to go to the bathroom, you say it through alligator tears loud and clear. You melt my heart with those two little syllables. 

Saturday, April 25, 2015

J Turns Three - Part 2

Pirates have been an obsession of this little guy for about 6 months now. Sword fights, Peter Pan for Halloween, Jake and Neverland on repeat, Captain Hook's hook...the list of his love for it goes on. 
We had a simple pirate party at home with just our immediate family. We pinned the pirate hat on the skeleton, ate Pirates Booty and "fish & chips" (goldfish crackers and chips), and sipped through pirate flag straws. Jackson LOVED it.
He really got into the pin the hat on the skeleton, although he did not quite understand the whole idea behind the game. He spun around and then looked right where he was going so he could pin the hat on really well. After several spins you would see him stumble trying to take his next step and I had to refrain my laughter. He pinned most everyone's hat and enjoyed it each time. 

I have been making all party cakes/cupcakes so I wanted to continue this. Sticking with the theme I attempted a pirate ship cake. Well....this thing was a sure test of patience, and it didn't even turn out well! The downfall started with my cake being too moist. Even when I cut it, the cake was just sticking to the knife. Then, the design I was following called for it to be triple stacked...yeah right! This soft cake just tilted and leaned with any slight imbalance. It wasn't till the frosting though that I threw in the towel. The cake just peeled away with every wipe of the frosting. I tried softening the frosting, freezing the cake....nothing worked. Finally, as the cake continued to lean further to its demise, I called J downstairs to see his surprise. As SOON as he saw it he lit up with excitement. With a HUGE smile he cheered, "Its a pirate ship!" That was it...that was all I needed...all the hassle of the "failed" cake was worth it. To make things better, as each family member arrived he immediately said "Come see whats on the table...Its a PIRATE SHIP!" :)

Happy Birthday Little Man!

Saturday, April 11, 2015


We can talk up becoming a big sibling, but lets face it, no two year old is ever fully prepared for the life change of adding a new born to the family. 

Even though I went through it myself at his age , I can only imagine how different it is to go from having all your parents undivided attention to having to learn to be more independent, both in routine and in play. 

Overall Jackson has been an amazing big brother. But every toddler has their moments, especially very honest ones. So in light of National Sibling Day and his raw thought, I had to document it.

Grandma was with Jackson and Emerson late this week when Jackson spoke the words that seem like a bit of a right of passage for a first time big sibling. Out of the blue, very matter-of-fact, Jackson asked Grandma, "When will Emmer be gone?"

Emmer just looked at him and smiled.

Grandma's response to this first time for everything comment was a lesson for me that I will continue to use (aside from how much they love each other). She asked Jackson if he knew who else was a little sister and a big brother. She helped Jackson to lean that one day Daddy became a big brother too, and Aunt Megan has made one wonderful baby sister. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

J Turns Three - Part 1

I can't believe he is three.
We will have to try this photo again because little man did not want to stop playing.

His day was filled with three trips to the park, a picnic lunch, and endless imaginative play. He found sticks that he quickly turned in to swords, collected rocks, played in sand, went down slides, had filthy hands, and dirty jeans. He devoured his purple birthday cake and played sticky hug with dad before bed. 

I'd say it certainly was epic.

More on this three year old and his pirate party later when I can wrangle my thoughts through less tears. 

Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter 2015

Happy Easter!
"Here comes Peter Cottontail, Hopping down the Bunny Trail" 
 On Good Friday the kids and I went to an Easter brunch with my parents. When it was finally our turn to meet the Easter Bunny and take a picture, I looked down at J while holding Em ready to smile. Well Jackson's face at that moment was one of my favorites ever. He had this magical, star struck, completely HAPPY smile while starring mesmerized up at the bunny. He was beyond excited!

The Easter Bunny left Jackson (and Emerson) a trail of "lucky pennies" to lead him to his Easter basket on Easter morning. 

This is the reaction that makes holidays as a parent perhaps the best thing ever. Any stress or tiredness evaporates to see that face!

The Bunny did good, bringing classic chalk and bubbles and books. Emerson was gifted some Little People Sleeping Beauty figures and a swimsuit while Jackson received a Robot arm and a bug net. 

Three Easter egg hunts and I think this kid could have done a few more. He loved it and searched very well for those eggs!

Hope you had a wonderful holiday!