Friday, June 26, 2015

Friday Favorites

It is so hard to believe this is already the last Friday of June...where is summer going??

Five on Friday

Emerson turned 10 months on Monday. Talk about time going to quickly. She is more of a monkey and mischievous then I ever remember her brother being. I debate often if it is genuinely her personality or if its just the result of being a second child (little nature vs nurture debate always on my mind). She only about ten days ago learned to go from laying to sitting, back and forth, without help and has just started to pull herself up on things. 

We celebrated three wonderful fathers last Sunday. We made eggs in a hole for my husband in the morning, celebrated with my father-in-law over lunch looking at old cars at church and playing at their house, then enjoyed time with my dad hanging out in their backyard over dinner. We are so lucky to have amazing dads in our life. I am extremely thankful for everything they each do. 

Construction started for converting our loft to a third bedroom. It is a major step toward selling our place and I am so excited. It is turning out great but I am sad that is has stretched into the next week. I just want the dust gone.

Time for new parks! We are up to seven or eight. So much rain and busy schedules have put us a little behind. Jackson was so excited this one had a "shaky bridge".

I was officially approved by my school board for a new position in our district! I will no longer be in the classroom, as I take over the role of Title 1 Secondary Math Implementation Coach. I am SOOO excited for this role and am very grateful for the opportunity. 

Monday, June 22, 2015

Emerson 10 Months

This little screamer grew like a weed this month! I was shocked to see the scale say 18 pounds for her. She is still wearing anything that says 6M and we just moved her up to size three diapers (and they are quite big so we don't need night diapers right now either). She is quite the babbler, often screaming, and says "uh-oh" when something falls.

She recently started allowing us to put her down when she is not quite asleep yet. If she is tired she doesn't cry when you rub her head, say good night and leave the room.
I wish her and her brother would sleep a little later but I guess I'll take the 6am wake up for not waking up in the middle of the night. 

Emerson is definitely still a mommy's girl. She loves to be on my left hip. 
She is known to scream and very quickly have big alligator tears if I walk away. Although I can feel very guilty setting her down screaming to do something (like go to the bathroom even), it warms my heart that her tears and sadness just melt away when I swoop her back up.
I have mastered doing many more getting ready tasks with only one hand. 

She is pretty talented with her feet (although no where near walking). She frequently holds stuff and plays with things by use of her feet while laying on her back. From holding her bottle up for herself to holding extra Legos and moving a different toy to her mouth, is it always quite impressive. 

Water is her other new big love! She does not tolerate Jackson getting a bath without her and loudly protests it ending before she is ready. She loves the splash pad and I can't wait to take her swimming.
Emerson you are growing too quickly. I love when I can catch a moment of you sleeping on me and your hand wave hello is hands down the cutest thing.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

A Moment by the Flowers

We went grocery shopping. Just me an J. He brought his Lego dump truck, Little People Joker and Robin. He was going to be my shopping buddy. He was also planning to drive the truck around the store. 

We walk in to an amazing display of gerber daisies on sale. I asked J to help me pick some out for home. 

We are deciding on the second bunch when he asks me a question.

"When do I get married?"

A little surprised by the question, I was more surprised to turn and see him intently looking at me, full of wonder, waiting for my answer as if it would spray magic.

"When you meet a special girl."


Head tilt and blue eyes still looking up.

"Like you?"
Little man you are beyond special and I pray that you meet someone that will ignite your laughter, cherish your sweetness, and always see the special twinkle in your eyes. 

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Summer Park Challenge

In stead of a long bucket list of summer activities this year we just have one goal. Visit as many new parks as possible!

Jackson loves parks. For a while now he would see a park while driving and ask "Can we go to that park some time? Can we go there now?" He would remember seeing them too and say "Remember that park we saw going to the _____, we need to go there." So this summer, we are going to that park, the other park and many more. 
 Some trips we are planning out but others we are stopping at spontaneously. The only real restrictions are if we actually have to be some where and if I have the right food/diapers for Emerson or not. 
Two weeks into summer we have gone to four new parks (five if you count two within one large complex). Our goal is 25 before Labor Day. I love to think we are going to get to 30 but I there are a few big life goals that are happening too.