Monday, August 12, 2013

Taste buds & Toys

When Jackson loves what he is eating he shovels food in his mouth with two hands! Until very recently J has devoured basically everything I put in front of him. Now Mr. One-Year-Old is a little picky. I tried a few things for breakfast that failed before a win, then at lunch I was less likely to surrender a great meal. Annie's white cheddar shells & chicken, delicious right? J wanted nothing to do with it. Soooo we mixed it all into 365 Berry applesauce. Interesting combo your thinking...DEVOURED!

Excited it didn't rain all day, we went to the park. I've been waiting for the day that J didn't want to ride in the stroller...happy it came while I was still home for summer. 

He insisted on bringing his sand truck. 
16 minutes late we didn't even make it half a block!!
We eventually made it to the park!

My Aunt had dropped off a box from their new washing machine. Fun times to come!


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